You are currently viewing Julie Mazzoli, Senior vice president and Community Reinvestment Act officer, Fulton Savings Bank
From Fulton Savings Bank, standing, from left, are: Laurie Smith, Vice president of human resources and marketing; Julie Mazzoli, Senior vice president and Community Reinvestment Act officer; Tina Stephens, Vice president of branch administration; and Melissa Keller, Senior vice president and chief financial officer. Seated is Pamela Caraccioli, President and CEO.

Julie Mazzoli, Senior vice president and Community Reinvestment Act officer, Fulton Savings Bank

By Mary Beth Roach

One of the longest-serving key personnel is Julie Mazzoli. She started with the bank in 1990 as a teller and today is senior vice president and Community Reinvestment Act officer. In that role, she oversees the lending operations, loan compliance, compliance software and she is the fair lending officer.

The bank provides opportunities and inspires loyalty, she said, even helping to pay for her education when she received her accounting degree.

“If you want to put in the time and show what you can do, and you just keep going, there’s no reason you can’t rise to the top,” she said.