How I Got Started: Graham Barney

Owner of Snax Enterprises in downtown Oswego offers snacks from all over the world. Started his business at age 26 in part funded by stimulus checks he saved during COVID-19By Stefan YablonskiIf calamari squid flavored potato chips from China aren’t for you, perhaps the Lay’s potato chips that taste like Kobe beef are more your style. Graham Barney started Snax Enterprises last spring. The store at 167 W. First St. in Oswego offers unique snacks, candies and beverages from every corner of the world.Q: When did you start?A: I started in 2023. Snax Enterprises opened April 7 — I basically sold out in the first two days. I honestly didn’t expect that kind of turnout. I’d be happy with like 30 customers, but it was like 300 … a line out the door the first day. I don’t know if I’ll ever have as good a day as that. It was outstanding.Q: And now?A: Typical day now, I’d say about two dozen people on an average week day. Sometimes a little busier on the weekends. It slows some times during the day, it comes in waves.Q: Why this type of business?A: I went to one of these stores a few (more…)

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