Appointment comes after longtime director Terry Gorman announces plans to retire

The Board of Directors of St. Luke Health Services announces the appointment of Catherine R. Gill as the next Chief Executive Officer of St. Luke Health Services and its affiliated not-for-profit healthcare and residential service providers Bishop’s Commons and St. Francis Commons in Oswego, NY.
Gill will assume the position following the retirement of current CEO Terrence Gorman later this year.
Gill has been with the St. Luke organization for thirty-two years, where she started as the organization’s Controller in 1988. She was appointed Assistant Administrator of St. Luke Health Services in 1993 and then as Chief Operating Officer for St. Luke and affiliates in 2003.
“The Board of Directors is pleased to appoint Ms. Gill to this position as she brings a wealth of professional experience to her new role,” said Jerome A. Mirabito, Board President. “Catherine has been a critical part of the growth and development of our not-for-profit organizations and our mission in the community. Her dedication and professionalism has earned Ms. Gill the respect of her colleagues and co-workers, and the Board of Directors has every confidence that those who rely on our affiliate organizations will be well served under her leadership.”
Ms. Gill is a lifelong resident of Oswego, graduating from Oswego High School and from the State University at Oswego, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1988; a Master of Science in Management in 1994 and a Master of Business Administration in 1997. She received her New York State Nursing Home Administrator’s License in 1998.
She is a member of LeadingAge New York, previously serving on their Nursing Facility Subcommittee and as Chair of the RHCF Finance Subcommittee, and Past Board Officer for the New York Association of Long Term Care Administrators.