The First Quarter

The 2025 Business Guide we’re working on is a significant one — it marks the end of the very first quarter of the 21st. century (or the beginning of the second quarter).It was not too long ago — actually it was about 25 years ago — that we were all concerned with the Y2K crisis, that the Euro was introduced as the common currency to the many European countries and that the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton was coming to a conclusion — not to mention the fever of the dotcom bubble, which dominated the news for several years until it “burst” in 2001-2002.At the time, some of the largest employers in Oswego County were Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. (listed in the 2000 Business Guide as having 1,300 full time employees, the county’s largest private employer), Alcan Aluminum Corp. (with 750 employees), Sealright (650), Nestle Chocolate Confections (600) and Metal Transportation Systems (423).Also on the list were A. L. Lee Memorial Hospital (with 383 employees), Oswego Wire (378), Owens Brockway (275), and Agrilink (formerly known as Birds Eye), which had 240 employees at the time.A few other companies listed in the 2000 Business Guide included:• Crysteel Manufacturing (80 employees)• (more…)

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