Fulton Mayor Deana Michaels recently joined the Oswego County Micron steering strategy committee, led by SUNY Oswego, to position the county to capitalize on the opportunities presented by Micron’s investment in the area. Mayor Michaels has recommended members of the Fulton Common Council and community leaders to serve on subcommittee work groups.
“Fulton’s location, educational and industrial base, housing stock and continuing housing development make us a prime location to Micron’s needs while mutually benefiting our city,” Michaels said. “We can be the bedroom community for those thousands of people who will be employed there. From improvements to Route 481 to utilizing funds from the Downtown Revitalization Initiative, we’re working to find different ways to position Fulton as a Micron partner.”
According to Mary C. Toale, SUNY Oswego officer in charge, “The steering committee will create, unite and implement Oswego County’s strategy to best support and mutually benefit from the tremendous opportunity Micron presents. Work groups are being created with leaders from across all segments of Oswego County to align and enact efforts to position Oswego County’s workforce, infrastructure, environmental and educational assets so that we all may capitalize on this unprecedented investment.”